An act of giving is another face of an act of building. Until and unless one learns to give, they do
not feel the joy of building.
A young girl of 18, gliding through her sophomore years at college, got selected by a visionary
entrepreneur, to help him run a company.
The company was something that was very close to the heart of the visionary, a Music store,
once run by Mr. Louis Cordes, a retired Music teacher, with 7-8 other teachers and 3 Office
staffs, a store whose age was almost 30 years and stood as an integral part of the local
Pennington community.
The visionary Neil Bhaskar, had acquired the Music Store, ‘House of Music’, for his music
teacher Steven Schiffer, in order to be run by himself and a young Intern, Rachel Hreha. Rachel,
was the valedictorian of Riders University, which helped her to get the opportunity of running a
company at a very early age.
Ms. Rachel Hreha came to become the first Executive of BoDE Foundation, while still a
sophomore at Riders University, New Jersey. With time, she became the “Operational-in-Charge” of the House of Music, for about 10 years, until it was gifted $100 to a minority Allman
Family (African American), in 2015. The event found a special place in the US 1 pages, that
The journey of Rachel, from a sophomore “intern” to “Operational-in-Charge”, not only of one
but multiple companies including Nova Group, Bhaskar Family, LLP and presently of MC 2.0,
can be looked upon as the perfect proof of concept, deploying the BoDE Methodology.
The journey of Neil and Rachel in raising a small shop to a great significance, and then gifting it
to a more deserving family, was the story that embodies one of the major values imbibed within
everyone connected with BoDE, ‘Educating the youth to CREATE wealth with 100 hands &
SHARE it with 1,000 hands’.